Not All Fruits and Veggies Are Eczema-Friendly (The 4 Types)

Not all fruits and veggies are good the eczema body.
Not all fruits and veggies are good the eczema body.

“Eat more fruits and veggies because they are super healthy!”

“You need vitamins from fruits and fiber from veggies!”

As cliches go, it sounds like these plant foods are mandatory in our lives or else we will die, or at least, be in poor health.

However, speaking in the perspective of an eczema sufferer, not all fruits and vegetables are created equal – not all of them are eczema-friendly.

As an eczema sufferer, we need to avoid certain fruits and veggies.

In this article, I’ll list them out and explain why, even though plant foods are nutritious and beneficial in many ways, they are disadvantageous to eczema patients overall.

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11 Ways To Kill Eczema Itches

There are "tricks" to reduce scratching damages.
There are “tricks” to reduce scratching damages.

Itches are the most hated things in the world – it is what differentiates dry skin from eczema, what makes our skin broken and bloody.

What if we can stop the scratching and stop the itches?

Because our itches come in frenzies at a certain time everyday (for me it’s before and after shower), we can pass those “itchy moments” with less damage.

From experience, here’s what I do best to relieve itches.

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The First Step in Fixing Eczema: Where to Begin?

How do you get from A to B?
How do you get from A to B?

To do everything there is a process, and all processes require a start. Likewise, to fix eczema you would need to begin with your first step.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

What is the first step?

Do you start by sleeping more? Do you start by eating healthy? How do you eat “healthy”? According to what guidelines? Do you start by exercising more?

Mixed answers.

Because this is such a complicated question that can be diversely answered, this article here today will tell you WHERE to begin and HOW you should begin, whilst giving you the reason of each step.

Continue reading “The First Step in Fixing Eczema: Where to Begin?”

How To Make Fermented Kimchi (For Fresh Gut Bacteria)

Delicious & Healthy - Make it a daily staple food.
Delicious & Healthy – Make it a daily staple food!

Fermented veggies like kimchi have probiotics that improve our gut flora. It’s the last thing you’d want to miss out on as an eczema sufferer.

Gut health is important because it strongly affects our eczema skin conditions.

Fermented foods contain beneficial gut bacteria that is proven to fix microbe imbalance in our gut.

The problem is: it’s hard to find probiotics that are fresh (effective).

You can solve this problem by home-making it yourself. Although it may sound hard, making fermented veggies at home is painless, here’s how I did it.

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3 Day Water Fasting Experiment [Journal]

fastingDo you know how POWERFUL fasting is?

Fasting is guaranteed to help your body repair itself of toxins and diseases; it’s natural and effective (plus, 100% cost-efficient).

And no…

…you’re not going to die if you don’t eat.

Recently, I did a 3 day water-only fast, and in this article I’m going share my journal entries.

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