Liver Detoxification Nutrients

If you get a cringe or have your suspicion raised when hearing anything about “detox” or “detoxification,” you’re not alone.

There is plenty of pseudo-scientific claims, diets, programs, products, and so on in the healthcare industry promoting some form of paid detoxification solution.

Truth be told: you don’t need to pay for anything except for food.

Our goal is to boost liver detoxification by:

  1. Minimizing phase 1 inhibitors, and
  2. Maximizing phase 2 boosters.

For your information, promoting liver function is not absolutely critical in reversing eczema but it will speed up the recovery process and alleviate your eczema outbreaks.

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Phase 1 inhibitors (to minimize)

Medications Antifungal drugs (e.g. ketoconazole, fluconazole)

Anti-anxiety drugs (e.g. benzodiazepines)

Antibiotics (e.g. erythromycin)

Anti-ulcer medications (e.g. acid blockers)

Dietary Grapefruit juice, tobacco smoke, caffeine, high alcohol intake, processed vegetable oils, burned meat, preservatives (e.g. BHT)

Zinc deficiency (i.e. we need more zinc)

Non-dietary Air pollution, traffic fumes, high-chemical household products, fragrances, cosmetics
Ageing (Water or intermittent fasting can help)


Phase 2 boosters (to maximize)

Glutathione Milk thistle, flavonoids (red grapes, blueberries), grape seed extract, selenium (brazil nuts, whole grain products), whey powder, green tea, eggs, cruciferous vegetables
Herbal Circumin, milk thistle, chicory root

Luteolin foods: peppers, carrots, rosemary, thyme, oregano, peppermint, olive oil

Compounds Glycine: bone broth, poultry, eggs, laver, watercress, spinach

Lecithin: Egg yolk, beef, chicken breast, salmon, broccoli

Other foods Onions, scallions, citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines), seeds (caraway seeds, dill seeds), cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts)