Not All Fruits and Veggies Are Eczema-Friendly (The 4 Types)

“Eat more fruits and veggies because they are super healthy!” “You need vitamins from fruits and fiber from veggies!” As cliches go, it sounds like these plant foods are mandatory in our lives or else we will die, or at least, be in poor health. However, speaking in the perspective of an eczema sufferer, not […]

How To Make Fermented Kimchi (For Fresh Gut Bacteria)

Fermented veggies like kimchi have probiotics that improve our gut flora. It’s the last thing you’d want to miss out on as an eczema sufferer. Gut health is important because it strongly affects our eczema skin conditions. Fermented foods contain beneficial gut bacteria that is proven to fix microbe imbalance in our gut. The problem […]